Why soldier wearing two pieces dog tags ?
Why wearing two pieces dog tags ? Apr 03, 2019 Identity tag also known as dog tag,military tag. Generally write information such as name, rank, position, number, army, blood type. In general, death in battle, no time to collect and bury, often buried together, or directly abandoned, then the identity tag plays two roles, one is the death certificate, one is to identify the identity when digging out or recovering the body. For serious wounded people, blood type information can also be provided for easy treatment. The shape of Tuli is biased towards the US military. The origin can be traced back to the Civil War period. In order to identify the corpse system, a paper identity card was created (when the two sides ended the battle, there was a special time to treat the wounded and clean up the body). In the first battle, the US military adopted a round metal identity tag , and later improved into the current shape in World War II. Equipped with a rubb...